
Stone Morning: An Afterlife Love Story (cover art)Stone Morning: An Afterlife Love Story is a work of fiction. Although the characters and approximate timeline of the events depicted have been derived from Scripture, additional events, dialog, and general mindset of the individuals depicted are imagined. The words or references to the words of Yeshua (Jesus of Nazareth) have not been changed and are taken verbatim from various modern translations of the New Testament. At times, the author draws from early church traditions to fill in some blanks left by the biblical narrative. Again, this does not imply or impute any authority or canonicity to those traditions. They are only used as fictional crutches to fill in gaps in the story.

The author never changes or adds to the words of Jesus, other than occasionally using a combination or paraphrase translation of the original Greek or Aramaic. He does, however, add to the words of other biblical characters, attempting to match what appear to be their styles and life backgrounds to move the storyline along.

The author’s primary intent is to drive the reader to a fuller, more open-eyed (and open-hearted) reading of the scriptures themselves, seeing the breadth of their meaning, their unity from beginning to end, and the continuous witness they make to the majesty and grace of El Shaddai, the great God almighty.